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Remove / Install Cupholders

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'95-'99 S-Series     '00-'02 S-Series


'95-'99 S-Series

Author: PurdueGuy



Step 1: Pull up & back. The cupholders are just snapped into place.  As you pull up, also pull back toward the shifter some.  It won't require a lot of force, but don't be afraid to give it a good tug.  Be careful not not to yank it way out, since there are wires attached.  As you can see, my cupholders were nasty from a major drink spill and needed cleaned.



Step 2: Remove the light. The light should slide back & out.  You may have to tilt the harness a bit to release it.  There is a little door that you can pop open with a screwdriver if you need to get at the lenses, which are just thin plastic.



Installation: snap it back in.

'00-'02 S-Series


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