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Remove / Install Front Seats


All S-Series

Author: PurdueGuy




E10 (torx) wrench or socket

Flathead screwdriver (driver's side only)



Step 1: Slide the seat all the way back. Just for clearance.


Step 2: Remove 2 front bolts. There are 2 E10 bolts as shown below.




Step 3: Move the seat all the way forward. For clearance again.


Step 4: Remove 2 rear bolts. 2 more E10 bolts in the back. 




Note: My 3/8" drive Lisle socket had trouble clearing the slider hardware on one side.  I was able to hammer it on just enough to work, but since I'll be messing with the seats more in the future, I invested in some torx ratcheting wrenches.  If you have to buy new tools for this job, consider the clearance issue and try to find a 1/4" drive socket, though you can make the 3/8" drive work, at least with the Lisle brand.


Step 5: (Driver's side, '95-'02 only) Unclip the seatbelt sensor. This is where the flathead comes in handy - makes it easy to push the clip down.





Installation is the reverse of removal. 


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