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Remove the Inner Door Panel

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'91-'95 SL & SW / '91-'96 SC     '96-'02 SL & SW / '97-'02 SC


'91-'95 SL & SW

'91-'96 SC


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'96-'02 SL & SW

'97-'02 SC

Author: PurdueGuy

Video Author: richpin06





Flat-head screwdriver or other prying tool

Philips screwdriver



Step 1: Remove the triangular trim piece. If it's attached to the mirror by cables (manual adjuster) or a wiring harness (power adjuster), you can either detach it or let it dangle.



Step 2: Remove 2 screws in handle. There is a 3rd screw going into the handle vertically - no need to remove it.



Step 3: Remove the screw by the mirror.



Step 4: Remove Interior Door Handle


Step 5: Remove 2-piece peg on the outer end of the door.  Using the flathead screwdriver, pry the outer part of the head out to remove the inner peg.  Once that peg is out, remove the outer part of the peg.



Step 6: Lift the panel and remove it.  It should just come right off.





Installation is pretty much the reverse of removal.  When hanging the door panel on the door, there are a set of hooks that will have to settle in place.  It should just fall into place - if it doesn't lift it completely off and try again.  You won't be able to make small adjustments to get it to fit.  Once the panel is on, I recommend starting by putting the 2 handle screws in, just to make sure the panel stays put.  Then just reattach everything else.


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