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Remove / Install Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) Valve

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DOHC Aluminum Valve Cover     DOHC Composite (Plastic) Valve Cover     '91-'02 SOHC


DOHC with Aluminum Valve Cover

'91-'95 S-Series

Author: PurdueGuy

Remove PCV valve from valve cover.


PCV = positive crankcase ventilation.  This valve lets air escape from the valvetrain area and into the intake.  A clogged/bad PCV contributes to valve cover leakage, so replace it if it does not rattle when you shake it (the one pictured clearly needs replaced). 


To remove this from the valve cover, pull straight out.  It is in there tight, and will generally take a pretty strong pull to remove.


DOHC with Composite (Plastic) Valve Cover

'94-'02 S-Series


Video Author: richpin06


'91-'02 SOHC


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