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Thoroughly Clean Throttlebody and IAC


All S-Series

Author: PurdueGuy

Step 1) Remove the stock intake system (Airbox Lid - Throttlebody)


Step 2) Remove throttlebody


Step 3) Remove TPS and IAC from throttlebody


Step 4) Use some throttlebody or carburetor cleaner (other cleaners may work, also, but these are made specifically for this task...), and a rag. 


Spray and wipe, rinse and repeat.  That's all there is to it.





Notice the nice, shiny throttleplate.  That's the side that faces the plastic intake tube... (this is before any cleaning)



Now look at the backside...  it's hard to even tell where the throttleplate is, but it really is that black circle.



Clean that puppy up!  You don't have to get it uber-clean, but there's metal behind that gunk somewhere - find it!


While you're at it, clean up the IAT valve.  Go ahead & use the same cleaner to get any major gunk off the tip, spring, and gasket.



Assembly is the reverse of disassembly.



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